The mission of the Northwest Arkansas Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Council is to continue to advance and promote the dream, life, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. which emphasizes love and action.
Our purpose is to promote awareness, education, and advocacy throughout the Northwest Arkansas community. We solicit and encourage all Northwest Arkansas residents and communities to participate and contribute to the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Life and Legacy.
Our core values reiterate our commitment to Dr. King’s message:
1. Faith in God: The NWA MLK, Jr. Council was founded and operates on Christian Principals/Values!
2. Servant Leadership: We are visible and strategically focused on our Service to the Community!
3. Integrity: We aggressively and passionately pursue our Mission with a purpose, measured by a Bar of very high Ethical standards!
4. Trust: We are dedicated to respecting the rights of others and treating them fairly!
5. Empowerment: The NWA MLK, Jr. Goal is to Empower and equip as many men, women, boys and girls aligning them with our Mission and purpose to help create an atmosphere of Success for all NWA residents!
6. Diversity: The NWA MLK, Jr. Council is working together bringing People of many Cultural backgrounds to the forefront walking and working “hand in hand” via the tools of Education!
The impetus for the creation of the Northwest Arkansas Dr. Martin Luther King Council evolved from several brainstorming sessions in 1996 that were led by Rev. J. Aaron Hawkins along with the following founders: John L Colbert, Ernestine Gibson, Corey Cullins, and Edith Hawkins.
These sessions led to the decision to host an area-wide Recommitment Banquet in honor Dr. King and his legacy where the committee would also present scholarships to two worthy students and recognize several outstanding community leaders who exemplified the leadership traits of Dr. King himself.
After establishing these goals, the first committee was established and chaired by Corey Cullins with the following members: Constance Butler, Clarence Childs, John L Colbert, Marilyn Cullins, Phillip Cummings, Kevin Dedner, Dion Fields, Jeffrey Flanigan, Ernestine Gibson, Lamont Hall, Laverne Johnson, Cedric Jordan, Rodney Momon, Edith Morgan, Ocie Redden, Verda Watson, Brenda White, and Danielle Wood.
What began as the NWA MLK Planning Committee, aptly named for its original purpose of hosting the inaugural Recommitment Banquet, has since spawned several additional programs and an expanded reach to include all of Northwest Arkansas. Therefore, the organization decided in 2012 to reflect this in its new name, the Northwest Arkansas Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Council.
Since its inception, the Council has gained support from the community as well as these area organizations and businesses: Tyson Foods, Inc; Walmart; Proctor & Gamble; St. James Missionary Baptist Church; Calvary Freewill Baptist Church; the University of Arkansas Black Students’ Association; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; and the Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission. We applaud each of these groups for their continuous support for the past 26 plus years. The Council salutes all of its sponsors over the years for helping us grow and remain loyal to Dr. King’s legacy for many years to come.
I am truly honored to have the opportunity to serve as the president of the Martin Luther King Jr., Council. The Council represents what it means to be a servant leader of Northwest Arkansas.
My administration’s goals are to continue to recommit ourselves to the legacy, advancement and promotion of the dream and life of Dr. King. This legacy consists of becoming an active voice for Northwest Arkansas standing on Christian values but always emphasizing love, care and support for all of our brothers and sisters regardless the color of their skin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, social or economic status.
We will strive to effectively voice our opinions on racial relations, stand for and advocate with our underrepresented communities. As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King, the Council will always hold our mission and purpose at the forefront of our commitments: promote awareness, education and unity throughout the Northwest Arkansas Community. We solicit and encourage all Northwest Arkansas residents and communities to participate and contribute to the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and legacy, not just one day a year but every day.
We thank the Northwest Arkansas Community and our Sponsors for your continued support of our scholarship program and the Dream Keepers. Our goal is to continue to be active community partners with organizations in Northwest Arkansas and our sponsors. Again, thank you for your commitment to the legacy and dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Help keep King’s spirit and legacy alive — any time of the year! Your contribution can support the dream for a stronger community, activism and education for all in Northwest Arkansas.