
Dear Future Partner,  

We are thankful for your consideration in helping us continue the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Northwest Arkansas. Your partnership ensures we continue to advance our legacy of Education, Advocacy and Research via the Northwest Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Council. One of our major events is the Annual Recommitment Celebration Weekends.

Our expectation is to involve the entire Northwest Arkansas Community in all aspects of our events and activities throughout the year. Therefore, we ask that your organization become a partner to help keep the cost of activities affordable for the general public and our work robust.

levels of sponsorship:

  • Premier Sponsor of entire MLK Recommitment Weekend events

    32 Premium seats at all events

    Invitation to Event Community and VIP reception(s)

    Sponsorship Recognition (with Logo) and Award

    Table or booth activation at event(s)

    Activation at Friday’s Cultural Festival

    Company Video Presentation

    Social Media Promotion with Logo (Pre & Post Event)

    Company Logo on Email Blasts

    Company Logo on Event Flyer

    Company Logo on Press Release

    Logo displayed on MLK Council’s website with link to sponsor’s


  • Premier Sponsor of Saturday Recommitment Celebration

    *28 Premium Seats at all event(s)

    *Invitation to Event Community and VIP reception(s)

    *Table or Booth activation at event(s)

    *Activation at Friday’s Cultural Festival

    *Sponsorship Recognition (with Logo) at all events and award

    *Company Video Presentation

    *Social Media Promotion with Logo (Pre & Post Event)

    *Company Logo on Email Blasts

    *Company Logo on Event Flyer

    *Company Logo on Press Release

    *Logo displayed on MLK Council’s website with link to sponsor’s website

  • *24 Seats at the event

    *Invitation to Event Community and VIP reception

    *Table or Booth activation at event(s)

    *Activation at Friday’s Cultural Festival

    *Sponsorship Recognition (with Logo) and award

    *Company Video Presentation

    *Social Media Promotion with Logo (Pre & Post Event)

    *Company Logo on Email Blasts

    *Company Logo on Event Flyer

    *Company Logo on Press Release

    *Logo displayed on MLK Council’s website with link to sponsor’s website

  • *20 Seats at the event

    *Invitation to Event Community and VIP reception

    *Sponsorship Recognition (with Logo) and award

    *Company Video Presentation

    *Social Media Promotion with Logo (Pre & Post Event)

    *Company Logo on Email Blasts

    *Company Logo on Event Flyer

    *Company Logo on Press Release

    *Logo displayed on MLK Council’s website with link to sponsor’s website

  • *16 Seats at the event

    *Invitation to Event Community and VIP reception

    *Sponsorship Recognition (with Logo) with award

    *Company Video Presentation

    *Social Media Promotion with Logo (Pre & Post Event)

    *Company Logo on Email Blasts

    *Company Logo on Event Flyer

    *Company Logo on Press Release

    *Logo displayed on MLK Council’s website with link to sponsor’s website

  • *12 Seats at the event

    *Invitation to Event Community and VIP reception

    *Sponsorship Recognition (with Logo) with award

    *Social Media Promotion with Logo (Pre & Post Event)

    *Company Logo on Event Flyer

    *Company listed on Press Release

    *Logo displayed on MLK Council’s website with link to sponsor’s website

  • *8 Seats at the event

    *Invitation to Event Community reception

    *Sponsorship Recognition (Logo) with award

    *Social Media Promotion Listing

    *Logo displayed on the MLK Council’s website

  • *4 Seats at the Event

    *Listed as sponsor at the Event

    *Listed on the MLK Council’s website

    *Social Media Promotion Listing

    *Invitation to Event Community reception

All sponsors are recognized for their generosity.

All contributions go towards the expenses of the various activies, events and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Endowment. The scholarships will be awarded to deserving students during the Recommitment Celebration.

Checks are to be made payable to: NWA MLK Council.  

Contributions are tax-deductible.  

The deadline for sponsors to be recognized at our Recommitment celebration is in December of each year but you can partner with us at any time.
Remember that as a sponsor, your organization will play a key role in our community’s recommitment to the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Even if your company is unable to become a sponsor, we invite you to take part in the activities that we have planned. All activities will focus on Dr. King’s commitment to service to the community. Watch for announcements about those activities in the upcoming months or visit our events page: and stay abreast of our work at:

The Northwest Arkansas MLK Council thanks you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Danielle Wood-Williams at (w) 479-575-4825 or (c) 479-530-5452. We look forward to speaking with you soon: Please send any questions to:

If you are interested in being a sponsor, please fill out the form below:


Please make your checks payable to:

NWA MLK Council 
P.O. Box 3453 
Fayetteville, AR 72702